

Hey Sister! Feeling overwhelmed, afraid you're losing control, or losing yourself!? Look no further. The LIVE JOY LIFE will help you see God created you for something BIGGER than all the busyness. Busy is how the enemy keeps us small. I don't just teach the LIVE JOY LIFE - as a working Mom, Author, Speaker, PA, and Life Coach, I LIVE IT. If you are ready to see the JOY God created you for by conquering mental, spiritual, and emotional clutter, you're in the right place. Welcome to the family.

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You're going to want to see this!

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for moms who need encouragement to conquer life's anxieties and live in the JOY God intended. Whether you're new to the LIVE JOY LETTERS or long-time subscribers, let me extend a huge Midwestern hello! Here's to praying you can find a quiet spot and sink into all this goodness. I'm changing things up to bring you EVEN MORE LIVE JOY Goodness. Each letter will now include: The Message: A curated...

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for women who need encouragement to conquer the chaos and live in the JOY God intended. Whether you're new to the LIVE JOY LETTERS or long-time subscribers, let me extend a huge Midwestern hello! Here's to praying you can find a quiet spot and sink into all this goodness. From the mouths of babes. Thursday is my day off (hence why you often get emails from me on Thursdays). Earlier in the year,...

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for busy mom's who need encouragement to conquer the chaos and step into their God-given dreams. Trusting + Thanking = Peace Many of you are facing incredibly heart-wrenching situations. In the last few weeks, I've talked to moms who are grieving the loss of a family member, feeling overwhelmed with all the kid activities in full swing and not knowing when or how to take time for themselves,...

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for busy mom's who need encouragement to conquer the chaos and step into their God-given dreams. Top stories: For those of you who are new around here, I wanted to extend a huge welcome hug. I'm Sonya, and whether you got here by way of Soul Sisters Unscripted, The LIVE JOY LIFE, or some other avenue, I cannot tell you how incredibly blessed and honored I am to have you on this journey. These...

Your pain has purpose

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for busy mom's who need encouragement to conquer the chaos and step into their God-given dreams. Top stories from the community For those of you who've been around awhile, you might notice it's been awfully quiet around here. In February I was diagnosed with a chronic condition that can, and did, bring with it weeks of debilitating pain. But as God always does, He has found a way to make all...

Have you ever had a song lyric grab a hold of you so hard you almost drove off the road trying to turn it up? Or is that just me? I've heard this song before, but just the other day these words hit home HARD, and I think they might do the same for some of you. "It felt like a burden, but once I could grasp it, you took me further, further than I was asking...I'm learning to trust You, even when I can't see it and even in suffering, I have to believe it." "Spirit Lead Me" by Influence Music...

Hello my dear friend. It's been too long. I've missed you. For those of you who are new to the LIVE JOY LETTERS, from my heart to yours, these little letters are meant to fill you up with the love and joy of God. Have you ever felt completely alone surrounded by people? There are moments in life when no matter how many loved ones you have around, no matter how many friends or family members are nearby, it still feels like you are all alone. I've been experiencing this lately. The grief I felt...

Hello friend, Last week a friend asked me something we've all asked ourselves. "How do I find FAITH when I feel so weak? There is so much going on and I feeled pulled in a thousand directions. It's hard to see the next step, let along believe that God has a plan for all this." As I pondered her question for a moment, it didn't take me long to think of the most powerful tool I have in my faith tool belt. So I sat down and wrote a super short, simple blog post to help answer just that. And you...

There's something I want to tell you that may be exactly what you needed to hear. Last week I did a solo Soul Sisters Unscripted. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a community of women my dear friend Lindsey and I created over on Instagram to help encourage women in their walk through life. It's Holy Spirit inspired, true life, goodness we hope you all can take advantage of. This week I had to go solo because of time constraints, but what came out ended up being a huge help...