Your secret to peace is inside this email.

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for busy mom's who need encouragement to conquer the chaos and step into their God-given dreams.

Trusting + Thanking = Peace

Many of you are facing incredibly heart-wrenching situations. In the last few weeks, I've talked to moms who are grieving the loss of a family member, feeling overwhelmed with all the kid activities in full swing and not knowing when or how to take time for themselves, learning how to be an empty-nester, and working so hard to make a dream come true and can't get the momentum going, and take a job that was a lot more than they expected.

You all carry heavy burdens, and the load feels like a little too much sometimes, so I want to give you a message I learned from God just this week. It's nothing otherworldly, in fact, it's quite simple, yet so profound.

Trusting + Thanking = Peace

These are the exact words I wrote in my own journal last week during my morning pages journaling (I'll tell you more about that later). I was writing about all the things that were on my mind like I always do, but that particular day, God gave me those words.

I realized that I had been listing out a litany of all the things that were wrong in my life, but forgetting to shift my eyes to focus on the things that were right.

I get it. It feels impossible sometimes to find the things to thank God for. When you're hurting, broken, busy, frustrated, at your wits end, praising and thanking God seem like the last thing you want to do, but even though it feels irrational, that's what faith is!

Faith is finding a way to trust and thank God even in the middle of the mess so that you can find the peace you are looking for. It's kicking the enemy to the curb and refusing to let the world shift your view away from what is good.

Even a few complaints can set you on a downward spiral to a negative mindset. That's when the enemy wins my friend. Don't let the enemy win.

Instead thank God for everything, even when it seems unnatural, and the enemy no longer wins. This is how you begin to ascend out of the pit.

Thanking + Trusting = Peace.

Peace be with you.

What's missing?

If I were to invite you to an event created just for you...

  1. The busy mom who's always running.
  2. The hardworking mom who is shuffling calendars, fixing hurts, and logging reading minutes.
  3. The mom who locks the door to the bathroom to try and get a few more minutes of peace.

What would make you show up? What would make you let someone else handle the carpool for a few hours, or miss one soccer or softball game in the name of filling your own cup?

I'm so intrigued by this question, from everyone who hits reply, I'm going to choose one person at random and send them a gift card for coffee on me!

So let the replies rain down!!!

As always a prayer for you before I go.

Prayer for you

Lord Heavenly Father. I pray for Reader today. May you help her to see that she is more than a busy schedule and the overwhelm that is around her. May you help her to see what a true blessing she really is as she moves through this day, but always keep her mindful of you. Help her to see that peace is found in the thanking and trusting of you. Lord, I personally thank you for her.

In Jesus' name.

P.s. Monday is my birthday!! The big 42. If these LIVE JOY Letters have touched your heart in any way, would you give me the biggest gift ever by encouraging 3 of your friends to sign up. Simply send them this email and let them know they can sign up by hitting the button below. 👇

As always, we are in this together.



Hey Sister! Feeling overwhelmed, afraid you're losing control, or losing yourself!? Look no further. The LIVE JOY LIFE will help you see God created you for something BIGGER than all the busyness. Busy is how the enemy keeps us small. I don't just teach the LIVE JOY LIFE - as a working Mom, Author, Speaker, PA, and Life Coach, I LIVE IT. If you are ready to see the JOY God created you for by conquering mental, spiritual, and emotional clutter, you're in the right place. Welcome to the family.

Read more from The LIVE JOY LIFE

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for moms who need encouragement to conquer life's anxieties and live in the JOY God intended. Whether you're new to the LIVE JOY LETTERS or long-time subscribers, let me extend a huge Midwestern hello! Here's to praying you can find a quiet spot and sink into all this goodness. I'm changing things up to bring you EVEN MORE LIVE JOY Goodness. Each letter will now include: The Message: A curated...

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for women who need encouragement to conquer the chaos and live in the JOY God intended. Whether you're new to the LIVE JOY LETTERS or long-time subscribers, let me extend a huge Midwestern hello! Here's to praying you can find a quiet spot and sink into all this goodness. From the mouths of babes. Thursday is my day off (hence why you often get emails from me on Thursdays). Earlier in the year,...

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for busy mom's who need encouragement to conquer the chaos and step into their God-given dreams. Top stories: For those of you who are new around here, I wanted to extend a huge welcome hug. I'm Sonya, and whether you got here by way of Soul Sisters Unscripted, The LIVE JOY LIFE, or some other avenue, I cannot tell you how incredibly blessed and honored I am to have you on this journey. These...