I'm back with BIG news!!

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For those of you who've been around awhile, you might notice it's been awfully quiet around here. In February I was diagnosed with a chronic condition that can, and did, bring with it weeks of debilitating pain. But as God always does, He has found a way to make all things good (Romans 8:28). Not only did this pain take me to a healing service that helped me recognize where the enemy held me captive, He has used it to improve my relationships, and bring me closer to Him. So even in the midst of all the bad, He has brought so much good.

As you might imagine, I had plenty of time to think in the weeks I was off work, and determined to not let the world win, I allowed my body to rest, while still moving forward in what I love.

Your Pain has Purpose

I've said it for years, but it was further solidified during my weeks of struggle. God has the ability to take the fires of our lives and refine it into something good. My absolute favorite verse is Romans 8:28 "All things work together for the good of those who love God." He doesn't say all things are good, but He says He can work ALL things into GOOD.

  1. God can take an illness to refine your marriage
  2. He can use a difficult work situation to refine your patience.
  3. A divorce could be a pathway toward the freedom to follow your God-given dreams
  4. He could use grief to show you how to help another

The point is friend. Some day, we will all look back on those painful moments of our lives with new eyes and see where God was taking us. But in the meantime, hold tight to Him, pray often, and have FAITH. "After you have suffered a little while, God himself will restore you." 1 Peter 5:10

Though this message had my heart for a long time, just as pain changes our lives, it sometimes makes us change our whole course. (See my exciting annoucement below).

P.s. if you want to read pain to purpose story of how I wrote my grief into a published book to help others, you can check it out here.

I'm a Certified Life and Clarity Coach

Any busy, working moms out there ever feel overwhelmed by all the chaos and busyness in life. Raise your hands high with me!!

It's like even if you had a dream in your heart you wouldn't be able to see it 'cause it's covered in peanut butter, lost in the laundry, and left behind in all the after school drop offs.

But here's the thing.

It doesn't have to be that way!

I heard an incredible quote once (so sorry I don't know the original author) that said, "The enemy's number one attack on women is busy." Like what? of course it is!! How can you have time to hear God and act on those dreams He put on your heart in all the crazy busyness of life.

So I decided, as part of The LIVE JOY LIFE, I was going to get certified to help women as a life coach. I recently took my certification exam and PASSED!!

I can't wait to share more of what I learned along with more tips on conquering the chaos, so make sure you stay tuned and invite all your friends to join us to. There's going to opportunities for group coaching and even the rare opportunity to work 1:1 with me.

Before I go, I want to ask you one thing:

What is your dream?

What secret passion project do you have buried underneath all the busy?

What are you holding in until the kids get older?

I would LOVE to have you hit reply and let me know. I'll even put your name in a drawing for a little something special from me.

Prayer for you

Lord Heavenly Father. I pray for Reader today. May you revive the dreams you have placed on her heart and allow her to see that they are not to be hidden. May you help her to see what a true rockstar she really is as she moves through this day, but always keep her mindful of you. Lord, I personally thank you for her.

In Jesus' name.

Don't forget to invite your friends. They can sign up below.

As always, we are in this together.




Hey Sister! Feeling overwhelmed, afraid you're losing control, or losing yourself!? Look no further. The LIVE JOY LIFE will help you see God created you for something BIGGER than all the busyness. Busy is how the enemy keeps us small. I don't just teach the LIVE JOY LIFE - as a working Mom, Author, Speaker, PA, and Life Coach, I LIVE IT. If you are ready to see the JOY God created you for by conquering mental, spiritual, and emotional clutter, you're in the right place. Welcome to the family.

Read more from The LIVE JOY LIFE

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for moms who need encouragement to conquer life's anxieties and live in the JOY God intended. Whether you're new to the LIVE JOY LETTERS or long-time subscribers, let me extend a huge Midwestern hello! Here's to praying you can find a quiet spot and sink into all this goodness. I'm changing things up to bring you EVEN MORE LIVE JOY Goodness. Each letter will now include: The Message: A curated...

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for women who need encouragement to conquer the chaos and live in the JOY God intended. Whether you're new to the LIVE JOY LETTERS or long-time subscribers, let me extend a huge Midwestern hello! Here's to praying you can find a quiet spot and sink into all this goodness. From the mouths of babes. Thursday is my day off (hence why you often get emails from me on Thursdays). Earlier in the year,...

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for busy mom's who need encouragement to conquer the chaos and step into their God-given dreams. Trusting + Thanking = Peace Many of you are facing incredibly heart-wrenching situations. In the last few weeks, I've talked to moms who are grieving the loss of a family member, feeling overwhelmed with all the kid activities in full swing and not knowing when or how to take time for themselves,...