So worth reading.

Have you ever had a song lyric grab a hold of you so hard you almost drove off the road trying to turn it up?

Or is that just me?

I've heard this song before, but just the other day these words hit home HARD, and I think they might do the same for some of you.

"It felt like a burden, but once I could grasp it, you took me further, further than I was asking...I'm learning to trust You, even when I can't see it and even in suffering, I have to believe it."

"Spirit Lead Me" by Influence Music

Read that one more time...

How many things in your life right now feel like a burden? Your finances as Christmas draws closer? What about the way your kids are acting? Are you missing someone around your supper table this year? Is a new, or chronic, dianosis lingering on your heart? Or maybe that dream, that calling for more, keeps circling back no matter how many times you push it away.

Whatever it is, here's what I hear God saying:

"When you learn to trust me, in ALL circumstances, I can use EVERYTHING for good. Even your suffering. Through Me, your pain has purpose. But you have to BELIEVE it."

We just have to believe it. Believe He can use all are hurt for something beyond our wildest dreams.

For the last 12 years, December has been one of the most difficult months for me, for it was always the month I lost my mom.

And now, here I am, 12 years (and two days) later, about to release a book into the world, that tells the story of how God can use our pain for a greater purpose.

He wants to do the same for you.

Your pain and suffering have purpose. Believe it.

In this together,


P.s. If you want to learn even more about how God weaved this INCREDIBLE story, I would be honored if you'd join my BOOK LAUNCH TEAM. The official launch starts next week and will include access to a private Facebook group with a LIVE Q&A, Weekly Prizes (gift cards and book related goodies) and so much fun!

You can join here. Most of the ways to help take less than 30 seconds!


Hey Sister! Feeling overwhelmed, afraid you're losing control, or losing yourself!? Look no further. The LIVE JOY LIFE will help you see God created you for something BIGGER than all the busyness. Busy is how the enemy keeps us small. I don't just teach the LIVE JOY LIFE - as a working Mom, Author, Speaker, PA, and Life Coach, I LIVE IT. If you are ready to see the JOY God created you for by conquering mental, spiritual, and emotional clutter, you're in the right place. Welcome to the family.

Read more from The LIVE JOY LIFE

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for moms who need encouragement to conquer life's anxieties and live in the JOY God intended. Whether you're new to the LIVE JOY LETTERS or long-time subscribers, let me extend a huge Midwestern hello! Here's to praying you can find a quiet spot and sink into all this goodness. I'm changing things up to bring you EVEN MORE LIVE JOY Goodness. Each letter will now include: The Message: A curated...

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for women who need encouragement to conquer the chaos and live in the JOY God intended. Whether you're new to the LIVE JOY LETTERS or long-time subscribers, let me extend a huge Midwestern hello! Here's to praying you can find a quiet spot and sink into all this goodness. From the mouths of babes. Thursday is my day off (hence why you often get emails from me on Thursdays). Earlier in the year,...

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for busy mom's who need encouragement to conquer the chaos and step into their God-given dreams. Trusting + Thanking = Peace Many of you are facing incredibly heart-wrenching situations. In the last few weeks, I've talked to moms who are grieving the loss of a family member, feeling overwhelmed with all the kid activities in full swing and not knowing when or how to take time for themselves,...