You probably needed to hear this

There's something I want to tell you that may be exactly what you needed to hear.

Last week I did a solo Soul Sisters Unscripted. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a community of women my dear friend Lindsey and I created over on Instagram to help encourage women in their walk through life. It's Holy Spirit inspired, true life, goodness we hope you all can take advantage of.

This week I had to go solo because of time constraints, but what came out ended up being a huge help to a lot of people.

As I've traveled this LIVE JOY LIFE road over the last few years, I realized something very important:

Grief is more than just when you lose someone you love. Grief is from the loss of an expectation you had for the future.

You can grieve the loss of a life, a job, health, or a dream. Grief can form from the loss of an experience or marriage.

pink flower in tilt shift lens

When both my littles where born, they came with medical issues that required an immediate trip to the NICU. There was no newborn snuggles or people coming to our room to visit the baby. Our days were filled with trips to the NICU, handwashing, rules of when we could pick them up, hold them, or see them. As part of those experiences, I grieve the loss of a normal newborn experience.

I say all of this to tell you:

Don't let anyone tell you can't grieve these experiences. There may be different levels of grief, but that doesn't mean you aren't allowed the time to sit and feel all the emotions going on within you.

Grief and pain are normal parts of life. But there is something beautiful that can come from all of this pain. With time, faith, hope and stillness in God, you can find the greater purpose beyond anything you can imagine. I know I sure did.

And my friend, "This Changes Everything."

In this together,


P.S. if you missed it on the last email, I have a VIP access experience for my upcoming book. You can check out all the extras here.


Hey Sister! Feeling overwhelmed, afraid you're losing control, or losing yourself!? Look no further. The LIVE JOY LIFE will help you see God created you for something BIGGER than all the busyness. Busy is how the enemy keeps us small. I don't just teach the LIVE JOY LIFE - as a working Mom, Author, Speaker, PA, and Life Coach, I LIVE IT. If you are ready to see the JOY God created you for by conquering mental, spiritual, and emotional clutter, you're in the right place. Welcome to the family.

Read more from The LIVE JOY LIFE

Welcome! I'm Sonya Joy Mack and you're subscribed to The LIVE JOY LETTERS: a collection of letters for moms who need encouragement to conquer life's anxieties and live in the JOY God intended. Whether you're new to the LIVE JOY LETTERS or long-time subscribers, let me extend a huge Midwestern hello! Here's to praying you can find a quiet spot and sink into all this goodness. I'm changing things up to bring you EVEN MORE LIVE JOY Goodness. Each letter will now include: The Message: A curated...

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